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This PM100-19C sensor is a compact convectively-cooled laser power sensor intended for measuring lasers up to 100W for short durations up to five minutes at a time. Above 20W this air-cooled sensor must be used intermittently.
The sensor is terminated in a SmartSensor DB25 cable and is directly compatible with all power meters in the catalog. A USB-direct model (PN 1288940) is available.
Compact thermopile sensor for measuring pulsed & CW lasers between 300 mW and 100W intermittently for up to five minutes.
300 mW to 100W (intermittent) compact power sensor, 0.25 to 11 µm spectral range, 19 mm diameter active area.
Key Features:
300 mW to 100W range (intermittent)
19 mm diameter active area
Spectrally flat broadband coating
0.25 to 11 µm spectral range
Convective air-cooled
ISO 17025 accredited
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