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This PM10V1 laser power sensor is designed for use with high peak power, low repetition rate, Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers up to 10W. A volume absorbing substrate mounted in front of the detector absorbs to bulk of the laser energy, instead of hitting the detector element directly. The results in a much higher damage resistance, approaching 2 J/cm2, at relatively low repetition rates of approximately 10 pps.
A removable front aperture allows easy replacement of the volume-absorbing substrate should it be damaged. Replacement absorbers may be ordered using part number 0011-8935.
The sensor is terminated in a SmartSensor DB25 cable and is directly compatible with all power meters in the catalog.
10 mW to 10W volume-absorbing power sensor, 0.25 to 3 µm spectral range, 19 mm diameter active area.
Key Features:
10 mW to 10W range
19 mm diameter active area
Volume absorbing sensor
0.25 to 3 µm spectral range
Convective air-cooled
ISO 17025 accredited
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