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Compatible with all standard Ophir Thermopile, BeamTrack, Pyroelectric and Photodiode sensors
Brilliant color large size TFT 320x240 display
Clear screen color for work with laser safety goggles
Illuminated keys for working in the dark
Both digital and analog needle display
USB and RS232 output to PC with Statistics package
Select between English and Japanese interfaces
Analog output
Soft keys and menu driven functions with on line help
Log every data point at up to 4000Hz with pyroelectric sensors
Non-volatile data storage up to 250,000 points
Laser tuning screen and power log
2 position kickstand
System Integrator Tools included: LabVIEW VIs, COM Object Interface
Vega Drawing
Thermal Sensors | Yes |
Photodiode Sensors | Yes |
Pyroelectric Sensors | Yes |
BeamTrack Sensors | Yes |
Statistics | Yes |
Analog Out | 1V,2V,5V,10V |
Communication | RS232, USB |
Trigger Input & Output | No |
Ethernet | N/A |
RS232 | 30Hz |
GPIB | N/A |
USB | 2000Hz |
Bluetooth | N/A |
On-Board Data Storage | 250K |
Automation Interface | Yes for USB |
Labview VI's | Yes |
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