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The electrical conductivity of a solution refers to its ability to transport (or conduct) electrical current. The unit for conductivity is Siemens/cm or milli-Siemens (mS). In horticulture, the unit mS is also referred to as "EC" (electrical conductivity). In aqueous solutions there is a direct relationship between the concentration of dissolved salts and conductivity.
Measuring conductivity is extremely important for plant nutrition, e.g.
Conductivity EC measurement in solutions
For all cultivation methods, the correct fertilizer/process water ratio should be checked before each liquid fertilization. The manufacturers of liquid fertilizers and nutrient salts provide the respective concentration-dependent EC values of the various fertilizers. The nutrient solution is checked after the fertilizer mixer exits.
In addition, occasional checking of the process water is highly recommended, especially when producing salt-sensitive plants.
In closed systems, EC measurement of the nutrient solution is essential. This measurement is usually carried out with permanently installed EC probes that control the fertilizer computer. It is recommended to check the installed measuring electrodes from time to time.
All "soilless", hydroponic cultivation methods require constant monitoring of the EC value due to the lack of a buffering function of the substrate.
Checking soil/substrate suspensions. Soil or substrates are mixed with water in a defined ratio and the salts are completely dissolved. The conductivity, measured in the suspension, can be converted to the salt content in mg/l substrate.
The EC measuring device COMBI 5000 EC meets all requirements for a reliable, high-quality measuring device. The sensor system with platinum-coated electrodes is absolutely maintenance-free and responds quickly. The high measuring range of up to 200 mS also allows the control of highly concentrated stock solutions.
The temperature is automatically compensated. The device is calibrated at the factory and generally does not require any readjustment. Two control standards of 111.8 mS and 1.4 mS are available.
Areas of application:
Ornamental plant cultivation: for checking nutrient solutions (fertilizer mixers), for checking stock solutions, for determining substrate suspensions
Soilless (rock wool), hydroponic cultivation methods
Substrate production to determine the salt content in mg salt/l substrate
Laboratory as a universal conductivity measuring device
Scope of delivery:
COMBI 5000 EC basic device including data logger function
EC plastic probe with high-quality platinum sensors
Calibration solutions 1.4 mS and 111.8 mS
Volume measuring cup, 100 ml
operation manual
Sturdy suitcase
Housing: splash-proof
Inputs: 8 PIN socket
Voltage: 9V battery, > 4000 measurements
Display: alphanumeric, reflective
Size: 180x85x50mm
Weight: 280g
EC measurement:
Measuring range: 0 - 200 mS
Resolution: 0.001 - 0.01mS
Accuracy: ±2% of reading
Calibration: possible at 0.084 / 1.41 / 5.0 / 12.88 / 111.8 mS/cm
Electrode: EC plastic electrode with platinum sensors (automatic temperature compensation)
Electrode length: 125 mm
Areas of application: Conductivity measurement in aqueous solutions
Data logger function:
Measuring cycle: 1 minute - 24 hours
Storage space: up to 2620 data sets
Accessories: transmission cable, 8-pin/USB
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