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The model CPC4000 industrial pressure controller offers a broad pressure range from -1 … 210 bar (-15 … 3,045 psi). This instrument is available as a desktop or as a 19" rack-mounting kit.
It can be installed with up to two reference pressure sensors and an optional barometer. The barometer can be used to display the barometric pressure or to emulate gauge or absolute pressure. Application
Since the controller offers an accuracy of up to 0.02 % IS-50, and controls pressure with a high stability, it is particularly suited as a production tool for transmitter manufacturing, a calibration and maintenance tool for pressure measuring instruments or as a factory/working standard for the calibration of all types of pressure measuring instruments.
The leak test and burst test special applications allow CPC4000 to be used as a pressure line testing equipment. The optional automatic contamination prevention system make the CPC4000 an ideal solution in oil and gas plants.
Maximum ease-of-use is achieved through the touchscreen and the simple and intuitive menu navigation. In addition, the large number of menu languages add to its operability. The instrument can have up to two internal pressure sensors and the ranges for each reference pressure sensor are determined by the customer within the allowable range. Depending on the application, the operator can choose between three set-point entry methods:
Direct entry of the pressure value (set point) which will be controlled via touchscreen keypad.
Define steps to reach the desired pressure value by either defining fixed pressure increments or a percentage of span value.
User-defined programmable test sequences.
Oil and gas industry
Industry (laboratory, workshop and production)
Transmitter and pressure gauge manufacturers
Calibration service companies and service industry
Pressure ranges: -1 ... 210 bar (-15 ... 3,045 psi)
Control speed 10 s
Control stability < 0.005 % FS
Accuracy to 0.02 % IS (IntelliScale)
Precision 0.008 % FS
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